
Be Still My Type A Heart

I got a new planner!!
I repeat, I got a new planner!!
This isn't just any old, one-page-per-week, scholastic-purposes-only type of planner, this planner is a-mazing. I must give you a picture so that you can get the full pleasure of this moment.
Isn't it just beautiful? The moment I got it (thank you, thank you, thank you Schorr and Russell) I began transferring dates from my phone...where I have been reduced, in my non-planner-holding state, to keeping my calendar.
So this gargantuan, slightly odd sense of pleasure that I got from something so small made me think: "Do other people have things like this that they get disproportionately happy over?."
Come on, folks, I was honest about my quirk...spill the beans.


Our Cruise...

At the beginning of June Graham and I took a cruise (along with his sister, brother-in-law, mom, and dad) down the Mexican Rivera. It was 7 days and 7 nights of amazingness punctuated by blue skies, sandy beaches, awesome food, and opportunities to practice Spanish.This picture is right after our (ahem) bumpy ride in Puerto Vallarta to the very off-road area where we went on zip lines through the canopies.
I know that these are long, long overdue...but better late than never, right?
Lauren and I waiting to go on our ocean kayaking adventure.
We had an amazing trip and were so thankful for the opportunity to relax...especially given how very stressful our summer is going to be.


Bad bad bad bad blogger, you make me feel so good

Dear Cyber-dwellers -

I am sorry. I didn't follow through on my promise to you all...but I will make excuses for myself: I have been on a cruise for the past week and spent the subsequent three days driving cross-country from our home in California to our new (temporary) home in Atlanta. We will move, again, to Connecticut in August...gluttons for punishment that we are.

Stay tuned for big, big posts (with lots of pictures) this week.

- Ashley