
Five Years

I'm just checking my e-mail... like any other day when, imagine my surprise (slash dread slash disbelief) when I find an invitation to my 5 (really it's more like 6, but who's counting) year High School reunion.

Seriously?! Weird. Super freakin' weird with strange sauce on top and a cherry, too.

Now, I didn't hate high-school. There were parts I loved and parts that I didn't love... but I was definitely not one of those people who loathed every day of the four-year-experience. "So what's the issue?" you ask? The issue is that i am SO not the same person who I was five years ago. Not even close. If I was North America she would be Nepal. And if I passed that over-made-up, under-secure girl on the street, she would not even recognize me. And I'm glad. I wouldn't like her, anyways.

So why go back? Why even think about going back? Aren't we alllll about moving forward here? But then I am hit HEAD ON by the mack truck of curiosity...

We meet again, GACS class of 2004...
I am the one smack dab in the middle with an orange shirt on. Wareagle!


Anonymous said...

I hear ya... I'm a totally different person now too.. but that's not a bad thing :)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, if anyone is the same as they were in high school THEN I'll be concerned.

I think I'm actually going to go. I mean, hey, why not.

Brittney said...

5 years! 5 years!!!!! OH my gosh! I am so OLD!!!!! I'm looking at my TEN year reunion!

amanda said...

I just had some major dejavu. "The worm" was probably a feature in my mental movie clip.

Five years kiiiinda makes me want to cry.

Just the two of us! said...

I am still debating on going... hmmm

Sara Strenglis said...


bri. said...

haha and i am RIGHT under ya sistah....

arian said to me, " 5 years, WHAT? thats insane! "

I still secretly wish I could go :( I should just impulsively buy a ticket and we can sit in the corner and talk about how different we are.

love you.

Deanie said...

Oh, my, if you think that makes you gals feel old, can you imagine how "old" it is making your Mother feel right now?!?!??!!?

Loved you then and love you now ... will love you forever and ever, AMEN!

Lauren Rae said...

yeeeeah...i can't decide whether or not i want to go.

mostly because i am in denial that i can possibly be ancient enough to be having a FIVE YEAR REUNION. but hey, i'd love to see all you guys again. even though we are all (probably) way different and (undoubtedly) cooler than we used to be.