
Pending Further Investigation

Graham and I have decided to re-sub our World of Warcraft account (I'll pause to allow those of you who didn't know I play WOW to regain your composure.... are you done laughing at me? Ok... I'll continue). When we lived in California we played WOW every Wednesday night with a group of friends from all over. Seeeeeeee, it's social, and therefore completely acceptable.

So I am typing in my user name and password to recover my account info and it's all "invalid information" and I'm all "noooo it isn't, idiot computer". And it went on like this for some time until I decided to call the service help-line (mostly because, since I tried logging on so many times with "invalid information" it locked me out of the site. Computer, 1. Me, 0.)

Then, forty-five minutes later: FORTY-FIVE MINUTES, PEOPLE... this just proves how many people play MMO's. Seeeeeeee, it's pervasive, and therefore completely acceptable. Forty-five minutes later a woman is explaining to me that my account has been hacked in to and, pending further investigation, may or may not be reopened.

All of this to say that, for the first time in my life, I am a part of an INVESTIGATION. It's like a murder mystery... only ONLINE. There has been a scandal in Outland, folks... someone has killed my Druid. YOUR CHILDREN ARE NOT SAFE!


Toria said...

omg. that is so adorable that you guys play. I have a lvl 73 hunter and have been wanting to re-up my acct for months, but just haven't. Hope they can recover your druid! (ps- what race is it?)

Kelly said...

You should go to www.arenajunkies.com

That's my husband's website!

LaurenK said...

Ashley, I hope you get it straightened out! I guess you understand how I feel when the LoTRO servers are down...

Kristen said...

I can't believe y'all play! My husband is addicted to WOW and he talked me into playing too!

amanda h. said...

ahhh insane-o! i don't know much about WOW but i can appreciate your pain. if that happened to me during rockband (which is so much less involved than WOW, i know) i would beat someone down.