
Karate Kid (Wax On...Wax Off)

For the past several mornings Evie has woken me up right at 7:30 AM by knocking on my womb...with her foot. She has got to be one of the most active little boogers in the world. It makes me so happy. Every little thrust and roundhouse remind me that she is doin' just fine in her little world. I am excited for her to be doing fine in my world, though. I cannot wait to meet her!

I have been looking at baby announcements and, WHOA, is there a lot to choose from.
I want this one...
and this one...
and this one...
and this one...

And don't worry everyone (ok, ok...Graham and Mom...) posting will continue as usual. I cannot stay away. I am addicted to blogging. I am a blogoholic. There is no cure.


Shannon said...

I vote for 2 or 5 but they are all beautiful. (By the way since I'm sure you are wondering who this crazy lady commenting on your blog is... I met your hubby at a workshop with Carla recently and stumbled upon your blog. Him & Carla could not stop talking about you all day! Good things dont worry :) Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
Take care

Anonymous said...

I like the one with the big pink bird. It goes with the baby room! Hey, my puppy wakes me up at 6:30 every morning...which is 7:30 your time...so we're both getting up with our babies at the same time! ...Only mine is furry, and yours is real.

Anonymous said...

Hey, those are some cool announcements. They not only let you see your baby, but they predict the date and time of birth! Amazing that all these babies are going to be born in 2010!!